Tuesday, April 14, 2020

L words

L sound production
This YouTube video by The Peachie Speechie on how to make the /L/ sound:


Here are some words so you can practice your L sound:

L at the beginning of words
1. lake
2. lamb
3. lamp
4. laugh
5. lawn
6. leaf
7. leak
8. legs
9. limb
10. long

L in the middle of the words
1. baloon
2. bowling
3. dollar
4. elbow
5. jelly
6. pillow
7. pilot
8. silly
9. eleven
10. elephant

L at the end of the words
1. ball
2. bell
3. bowl
4. bull
5. doll
6. gull
7. mail
8. pool
9. stool
10. whale

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