Thursday, October 20, 2016

to the mommas and daddies of kiddos with special needs

I see you.
I see you lean against the waiting room wall- sighing as your child and I go to the speech therapy room- sighing for the 30 minutes that might be your respite for the day.
I see you across the table at the initial IEP meeting nervously twisting the tissue trying not to cry.
I see you - so stressed that you lash out in exhaustion.
I see you - and your marriage strained because your attention is required by your special needs child.
I see you- tear up as I say "it's not your fault- let's talk solutions."
I see you- mourning missed milestones; missed play dates; missed interactions.
I see you.
I see you.
I stand by you. For a short amount of time. But I am cheering for you.

I see you- smile as we talk about his progress.
I see you- comment about how her grandparents say they understand her more.
I see you- as you tell me about his report card...

I see you.
You were made for this.
So was I.

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