Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Uno is a magical magical game. Since I've been working with more upper elementary, middle school and high school students, I had to find something that would create a face-to-face interaction while giving us a reinforcer for the stagnant (but important) drill work.

Enter Uno - down from Heaven on a unicorn.

So here's how I use Uno so my kids don't think speech is lame-
*for my artic kids: say three target words; take a turn
*for my language kids: answer three questions; take a turn
*for fluency kids: say three sentences using fluent speech; take a turn
(you get the idea)

But there's something extra magical when we SLPs stumble upon something that can work for ANY kid on our caseload- this is where you'll need a parking space for the unicorn because Uno comes to the rescue again!

I have some kiddos who KNOW what to do during social situations but struggle to implement said skills when they are in the heat of the moment. Uno sets up those situations and moments of frustration, need, disappontment and excitement. Especially good for practicing turn taking! All you have to do is talk the kids through it and help them role-play.

Uno's not expensive and I have a stack at every site I serve-
So get a deck and let me know what language and speech treasures you stumble on!

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